ringkasan materi 2nd

Resume of material (2nd meeting)

  • Class of word is :
  1. Verb = kata kerja
  2.  Noun = kata benda
  3. Adjective = kata sifat
  4.  Adverb = kata keterangan

  • Sentence in two parts is :
  1. Menggunakan verb
  2. Tidak menggunakan verb = adjective, noun, adverb

  • English grammer is :
  1. Simple past tense = S + was,were + V2/noun,adj,adv + O
  2. Simple present tense = S + is,am,are + V1/noun,adj,adv + O
  3. Simple future tense = S + will,be going to + V1/noun,adj,adv + O
  4. Past continuos tense = S + was,were + Ving + O
  5. Present continuos tense = S + is,am,are + Ving + O
  6.  Future continuos tense = S + will,be going to + Ving + O
  7. Past perfect tense = S + had,had been + V3/noun,adj,adv + O
  8. Present perfect tense = S + has,have,has been,have been + V3/noun,adj,adv + O
  9. Future perfect tense = S + wil have,will have been + V3/noun,adj,adv + O
  10. Past perfect continuos tense = S + had,had been + Ving + O
  11. Present perfect tense = S + has,have,has been,have been + Ving + O
  12. Future perfect tense = S + will have,will have been + Ving + O

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